Coronavirus and CNS Preventative/Protective Measures
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Instant Access to Therapies and Physicians. Anytime, Anywhere

Since 2020, CNS has delivered more than 125,000 hours of virtual rehabilitation to patients.

Telerehab offers patients greater flexibility and is a valuable stage in the patient’s continuum of care.  Using the RingCentral Video® platform, powered by Zoom, patients can now access therapies, clinicians, and their treatment team with ease.

Services Include


Telerehab Systems and Features

Seamless Collaboration with RingCentral Video and Zoom

Privacy and patient safety are critical to delivering patient care virtually. The RingCentral Video solution and Zoom are secure, HIPAA compliant platforms deployed in all CNS clinics. This enables patients and therapy teams to connect, communicate, and collaborate seamlessly. Integrated video meetings and messaging also allow anyone in the patient’s sphere to communicate.

Therapy in Real Time: Productive, Interactive, Effective

  • All treatment modules are provided; vital living skills are taught
  • In-clinic therapies are replicated in the patient’s home setting
  • Staff can suggest adaptive aids by viewing the home environment
  • Return to work scenarios can be modeled and practiced at home
  • Therapists teach safety skills; patients can practice in real time
Centre for Neuro Skills

Virtual Collaboration: Family/Clinician Meetings, Simplified

  • Staff will arrange online conferences with MDs, patients, family
  • Therapy teams collaborate to modify treatment plans
  • Evaluation and admissions processes can be initiated
  • Discharge planning can be discussed with patient’s sphere
  • Therapists provide family guidance for challenging issues

Physician Consultations: Professional, Private, Immediate

Doctors examine, diagnose, suggest treatment for:

  • Physical challenges
  • Behavioral concerns
  • Medical management and comorbidity care
  • Post COVID-19 recovery

Telemedicine also reduces the need for urgent care and emergency room visits, as certain evaluations and physician input can be accomplished via video and sharing patient data.

Centre for Neuro Skills


Based on clinical surveys, a significant percentage of patients made the same or better progress as in-clinic patients. 

CNS conducted a recent survey that reveals how patients and staff successfully adapted to telehealth technology. A national survey has also been published by the Brain Injury Association of America, which aligns with CNS’ internal findings: Telerehab is a highly effective therapy platform. Read more about it here.

Telerehab in the News

Leveraging Telehealth Technologies in the Service of Rehabilitative Care for Brain Injury
Healthcare Innovation Magazine


Using Telehealth, COVID-19 and Brain Injury Can Be Treated Simultaneously
Executives in Workers’ Compensation Newsletter