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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below link to informative sections of this site that provide in-depth information about CNS programs, services, philosophy, and locations. Please contact us at if we can address any inquiries.

What programs are provided at CNS?
Our programs include Adult Postacute Inpatient RehabilitationAdult Postacute Day Treatment, Pediatric/Adolescent Postacute Day Treatment/Outpatient Rehabilitation (CA locations). Continued Care, and Telerehabilitation

Where are clinics located?
Facility locations are in or close to metropolitan areas in California and Texas.

What are the different types of brain injury that CNS treats?
Treatment for traumatic and acquired brain injury is provided for adults, adolescents, and children.

How do I start the process of getting help?
Call CNS at 800.922.4994 and ask to speak to an Admissions professional, who can provide information on brain injury, rehabilitation, insurance, and patient evaluations.

What happens in rehabilitation? Can patients have visitors?
Our programs and services help persons with acquired and traumatic brain injury learn to walk, speak, reason, communicate, and practice self-care in clinical facilities in California and Texas. Visitors are welcome during normal business hours.

Does insurance cover the costs? Will CNS help me navigate this process?
Funding and payor relations matters can be discussed with Admissions staff, who can assist with insurance questions.

What is the Residential Rehabilitation Program?
A residential treatment component provides homes or apartments close to our clinics in which patients can live while participating in rehabilitation.

Will CNS help my family understand the recovery journey; is counseling available?
Patients and families are an integral part of the rehabilitation process. Counseling and family support and resources are offered by trained, compassionate professionals.

Can the family, caregiver, or attorney become part of the decision making process?
Yes. The patient’s sphere of support is part of the case management team and is informed of all information related to health status, progress, and treatment planning.

How does CNS meet the cultural needs of patients and their families?
Our multicultural services cater to a patient’s religious, cultural, and dietary needs, including observance of holidays and social customs.

What about life after rehabilitation – are there in-home services to help patients function?
Community re-entry services are offered, which help patients reintegrate into home, family, and social life. Our Long Term Care program offers help to patients and family post rehabilitation

Is CNS licensed and monitored – are safety and treatment standards regulated?
Patient, visitor and employee safety and best practices are paramount at all facilities. CNS adheres to stringent standards set by state and local entities to ensure compliance with regulations, laws, and guidelines that govern the industry. Licensing and accreditation is issued by: