Coronavirus and CNS Preventative/Protective Measures
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Who We Are

Who We Are

All people embrace some form of a community. Since its inception in 1980, the CNS culture has been rooted in a community that fosters high standards of care and professional ethics. If you work at CNS, you are among intelligent, compassionate, and hard-working people who practice excellence in all areas of their work. The longevity of so many employees has made for deeper roots within this community. It’s the strength of those relationships that nurture the CNS culture.


We are engaged

We are tenacious 

We are driven 

We are creative 

We are progressive

We are generous 

We are selfless

How much should we value being a part of the CNS community? The longest study on happiness, conducted by Harvard University, found that people who are socially connected are happier, healthier, and live longer. Thus, our lives are enriched when we invest in meaningful communities. CNS strives to be that for all employees–not just a workplace, but a purpose in life.


We believe this investment is imperative. We implement the best technology, which serves patients and their families and gives staff the tools to achieve durable outcomes. We conduct clinical research that translates into best practices and transforms lives. We offer staff training to inspire growth, expand professional skills, and instill pride in our work.


While we take work very seriously, we also enjoy a great atmosphere of fun and laughter. It’s elemental to happiness at work, as evidenced by the camaraderie and spirit of our celebrations, holiday parties, and patient-staff events and outings.


“Our culture is founded on an integrity that empowers people to thrive in their chosen field. I want our colleagues to be motivated by examples of innovation, which is a hallmark of CNS, so we can assure a future of patient success.”
Dr. Mark Ashley, President, Founder, CEO