CNS News and Events
As a leader in postacute brain injury rehabilitation, Centre for Neuro Skills is at the forefront of patient care and scientific research that is making news worldwide. Stories about our programs, physicians, patients and staff have appeared in national and local media. Evocative and informative, they educate the public and inspire the next generation of clinicians. Our renowned team of neuroscientists has also published papers in esteemed journals, advancing the understanding and awareness of brain injury. Since its inception, CNS has built a legacy of service to the communities we live in and serve. Our stories, accomplishments, company news, and civic involvement is captured in News and Events, a multimedia hub of CNS’ contribution to the world.
- 02/03/2025 - Where Leadership Meets Innovation: BIAA’s Neuro Rehab Summit Recap
- 05/14/2024 - Centre for Neuro Skills Sponsors Kids’ Chance of America
- 05/11/2024 - Midland's Nicole Paredes celebrates Mother's Day after stroke survival
- 05/10/2024 - Santa Clarita mom shares story of her daughter’s long recovery from brain cancer
- 05/03/2024 - Group Heroes: Centre for Neuro Skills
- 05/02/2024 - Survivor Hero: Craig Northcutt
- 05/02/2024 - Nationwide, 6 stroke advocates selected to receive 2024 Stroke Hero Awards
- 11/01/2023 - BIAA Announces 2023 Berrol and Caveness Award Recipients
- 09/08/2023 - How to protect yourself from wildfire smoke
- 10/11/2022 - Helping Employers Understand Traumatic Brain Injury: Setting Up for Success
- 09/27/2022 - First-of-its-Kind Study Finds CNS Patients Show Accelerated Rate of Improvement, Superior Outcomes and Significantly Lower Health Care Costs than Other Patient Journeys
- 07/21/2022 - CNS Leaders Take Center Stage in Media Coverage
- 07/20/2022 - CNS Value Story Analytics: An Independent Study
- 05/17/2022 - Counseling Offers New Tools to Cope with the Effects of Brain Injury
- 04/08/2022 - About Aphasia
- 04/07/2022 - Ask the Expert > Aphasia
- 04/06/2022 - What is Aphasia?
- 03/28/2022 - Ten Years Post Injury, a Near Fatal Crash Leads to Hope, Healing, and Success
- 03/21/2022 - CNS California Facilities Awarded a Three-Year Accreditation by CARF International
- 03/08/2022 - A Film, a TV Segment, and now a New Job for Blake Hyland
- 01/19/2022 - Her Job is a Journey of the Soul
- 11/22/2021 - Therapist’s Creative Thinking Inspires Patient Success
- 10/22/2021 - Thinking Outside the Box: Case Managers Go the Distance for Their Patients
- 10/12/2021 - CNS Announces New National Director of Contracting
- 10/11/2021 - CNS Promotes Ken Diashyn to Chief Strategy and Development Officer
- 02/03/2021 - National Data Confirms Success of Telehealth Rehabilitation
- 12/14/2020 - What Have We Learned Through Neurotrauma Research in the Last 10 Years?
- 12/14/2020 - People on the Move: Dr. Vibhay Prasad
- 11/30/2020 - Concerns Surrounding Stroke Treatment in the Era of COVID-19
- 09/08/2020 - Utilizing Telehealth, COVID-19 and Brain Injury Can Be Treated Simultaneously
- 07/28/2020 - 56% of CNS Patients Return to Work
- 07/02/2020 - Has telehealth’s boom peaked? Lawmakers eye fixes, as providers wrestle with the unknown
- 05/07/2020 - Actor Timothy Omundson on being a stroke survivor amid the coronavirus pandemic
- 05/07/2020 - STROKE MONTH: WEEK 1 - B.E. F.A.S.T – Know the Warning Signs of Stroke
- 05/01/2020 - Leveraging Telehealth Technologies in the Service of Rehabilitative Care for Brain Injury
- 04/27/2020 - CNS Announces the Appointment of Lindsay Ashley to CFO | David Harrington Appointed to BIAA
- 04/17/2020 - Emotional Resilience: Day 5 - CNS Resilience Inspired the Pivot to Telehealth
- 04/16/2020 - Emotional Resilience: Day 4 - Resilience Inspired CNS
- 04/15/2020 - Emotional Resilience: Day 3 - Four Resilience Practices
- 04/14/2020 - Emotional Resilience: Day 2 - Building Emotional Resilience in the Era of Covid-19
- 03/30/2020 - Centre for Neuro Skills Converts Delivery of All Brain Injury Rehabilitation Therapy to Innovative Telehealth Technology
- 03/30/2020 - Centre for Neuro Skills Telehealth Program
- 03/27/2020 - Five Days of Wellness: Day Five - Meditation and Mindfulness
- 03/26/2020 - Five Days of Wellness: Day Four - Managing Anxiety and Stress
- 03/25/2020 - Five Days of Wellness: Day Three - Making Health and Nutrition a Priority
- 03/24/2020 - Five Days of Wellness: Day Two - Creating a New Workout
- 03/23/2020 - Five Days of Wellness: Day One - Best Practices for Self Care During Times of Uncertainty
- 02/20/2020 - EWC Magazine: A New Approach to TBI Recovery Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Substance Misuse Treatment
- 02/14/2020 - Celebrating 45 Years of Love and 40 Years of Success
- 02/08/2020 - Centre for Neuro Skills Provides More Resources for Brain Injury Recovery
- 02/06/2020 - Former Patient Successfully Returns to His Career As a Video Editor
- 01/24/2020 - This NFL Season Brings Former Patient and Husband Closer Than Ever
- 12/10/2019 - Video: Chris Rich, Part 3: Family
- 11/11/2019 - Press Release: Centre for Neuro Skills Texas Achieves Three-Year CARF International Accreditation
- 07/25/2019 - The Economic Benefit of Post-Acute TBI Rehabilitation
- 07/25/2019 - Does MTBI Contribute to Neurodegenerative Disease?
- 07/03/2019 - CSUB alumni newsletter profiles our CEO David Harrington and his journey at CNS
- 06/14/2019 - A New Meaning of Father’s Day
- 05/20/2019 - Dr. Mark J. Ashley Receives Honorary Sc.D. from his Alma Mater SUNY Geneseo
- 05/17/2019 - Video: Matthew Little, Part 1: Introduction
- 05/10/2019 - Video: Elizabeth Little: A Mother's Story
- 05/03/2019 - Video: Chris Rich, Part 2: The Journey
- 04/16/2019 - Telemedicine Connects Patients and Clinicians in Real Time
- 03/22/2019 - Ashley Scholarship Supports Intern’s Career Goals
- 03/17/2019 - Sleep and its Role in Promoting Recovery
- 03/12/2019 - Sleep Evaluation and Treatment Support Patient Outcome
- 03/08/2019 - Video: Chris Rich, Part 1: Introduction
- 01/07/2019 - Next Steps in Worker’s Compensation for Treating Brain Injury
- 11/05/2018 - Next Steps in Worker’s Compensation for Treating Brain Injury
- 07/16/2018 - The Importance of Length of Stay in Brain Injury Rehabilitation
- 01/03/2018 - Parenting After Brain Injury
- 03/20/2017 - A Grandmother’s Stroke Led to A Life of Advocacy
- 09/01/2016 - Detection of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
- 08/03/2016 - Preventing Heat Exhaustion and Stroke
- 04/01/2016 - Counselor Helps Patients Recover from Substance Abuse and Brain Injury
- 04/01/2016 - Occupational Therapist Inspires Patients’ Path to Independence
- 02/01/2016 - What is Aphasia?
- 06/12/2015 - Vision Program Focuses on Independence
- 04/30/2015 - Texas Neuro-Optometrist Brings a Vision of Hope to Patients
- 04/27/2015 - Neuro-Optometrist Gives CNS Patients a Vision of Hope
Event Info