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MTBI and Concussion

MTBI and Concussion

Individuals often change after experiencing a brain injury. The purpose of this section is to help you in assessing whether or not you or someone close to you suffers from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI), Post-Concussion Syndrome, or from a more serious injury. It provides information on the assessment and treatment of MTBI, literature and a continuing education course.

Centre for Neuro Skills® began working with this population in 1980 and to date approximately 10% of our clients have been diagnosed with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Post-Concussion Syndrome. We empirically evaluate our success and measure that success on the basis of how many of our clients return to work and how many end their dependence on medical treatment.


Kern County Concussion Consortium

Click on links below to visit the KCCC website or to view/download documents

KCCC website